Wednesday, December 24, 2008


So if u cant tell im a little off in my months. but all is well in provo! im on a new kick to make some lifestyle changes includint loosing 25 pounds. all healthy. i promise. me goal is to go on a missison loving myself nd knowing how to eat. i am there to serve the lord not worry about weight or food. i have been doing well so far. i am down7 pounds and a ton of inches yeah for me! i have been going to power pump and turbo kick and i feel great other then the sore muscles that are driving me crazy! so since my blog is way lame i have decided to post more most of you know i am crazy about shoes and each pair has a story. so get ready for my shoe collection! i promis it wont be lame. i am tired and sore so i am off to bed. i am doing well and preparing to go on a mission! YEAH! i love you all!

my sister and my mom

Me and my mom!

Goodness we were so cute as babies!

My mom on her birthaday! we got her a flat screen tv!

My mom and her parents at Thanksgiving dinner

me and my sister!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Carries visit! (way old but still so awsome)

Align Left

So Carries visit was so much fun! i know that thhis happend like 4 months ago but i am so lazy with putting up pictures! It was so much fun being able to just spend some time with Carrie and having the family together! It was really nice to have Me carrie rach and whitney together again juwst like old times in young womens!

Currently i am trying to find a job. its been weird being unemployed but i have to say that it was worth it quitting my job at the law firm. it took me a year of being hard headed to realize that half the reason i was mserable is because of my work environment. i valued my friends theat i made there but i just couldnt keep putting myself in the same situations i moved away from. i m going back to school next semester and i am really excited about that! so things are going great!

Ian's Birthday!

Eliza Looking adorable!

Me and carrie!

Ha! i got a picture of emily!

aww father and son!
At the baby blessing!

Ok whitney! you work those legs! but dont dent my car!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


i have found myself once again going through the motions of my life and not being happy. i have gotten so stuck in my schedule that i have totally forgot that there is more to life then work the gym and bed. i know that i should be giving myself some kuddos on keeping to a schedule but of course i forget that sometimes schedules are meant to be broken. because i seriously feel as if i am stuck at2 dead end jobs and in a mid life crisis. yes i am a little bit over dramatic, we all know that, i am 20 years old and i want to live. i really need to find the balance in work and play because hello it is the summer! im trying to remember the power of choice in my life. i have a choice in everything that i do, and i also can choose how i react to situations. i need to remember that. my goal as of late has been to change my mindset about things and looking at the reality of the situations instead of just the black and white. i called up cca to talk to mike and he asked if i was following my heart. it was so weird hearing that because i should have known that he was going to say something like that, and yet it totally threw me off guard. i have been telling myself for a year that i just need to "put my nose to the grindstone" and do the work. i have been, and i have been struggling to find my peace for a year. he just asked me if what i am doing is making me happy when it comes to my work. simply put no. i didnt think that there was a way to put listening to your heart, and your job in the same sentence, but at the end of the day is that not what life is all about? if you arent happy at your job or in your life, that can feed into relationships, and just how your feel about the world. so im choosing to follow my heart and stop trying to be something that i am not. i need to get back into some of the things that i know are going to make me happy. i am going to keep my job, because i need money yes, but i am going to work on my mind set, because i am working on phones, and it is all about how you go into the sale. i also just shucked out the best spend 150 bucks on a ceramics class. im trying to make choices more rationally, so like right now i am going to fold my laundry, because i need to, and got to the gym because i love to work out, not to loose weight. so even though my life is a whirlwind, im going to try to keep my skirt from flying up in the breeze.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Life in the not so fast lane

Yesh yesh i am alive my friends, just barley. things here have been crazy. Im working 2 jobs m-f so i mostly have absolutly no life this summer! i never thought that i would be craving to be outside in the sun, but working 10 am to 130 pm and then 2 30pm to 10 pm is getting a little out of control! Im and so greatfull that i had the oppertunity to go home to work the horse fair before i started my insane summer, becasue i can keep telling myself that i already had a vacation!
Me and my best friend robert...i have no idea why he instists on posting someif the most un..attractive pictures of me whenever he gets a chance. he thought it would be hilarious to test out a new setting on his camera that makes things white...and if you know me at all you can imagine that we are still laughing about that!

Sooooo yeah! just being were at PFC changs..i think thats how you spell it...anyways we went out for lydias birthday and it was tons of fun! good food, sexy sexy sexy waiters, i mean what else does a girl need on a friday night?
The birthday group! we all decided that it would be hilarious for someone to leave their number for the waiter. but he was sooo hot that we all decided to leave ours! no one got a call...but it was fun all the same!
Sam decided that she needed to be a horrible friends and go home to Cali for the summer.... but toi make up for it she had a going away party for honor of her of course! (if you knew sam, that would be a given!) so she loves pinatas and they just happend to get one that looked like her! way scary. i had this amazing idea to become a pinata myself,,hense the picture..
There was a religious ceramony of some sort in American Fork..i didnt attend but part of the ceramony was having all different types of colored sand and throwing it in the when you get like 1000 people doing that it starts to get a little crazy...there was a ward social right after and i just couldnt resist the urge to have colored sand all over me. and yes that is a face print right over my chest made by Cali!
Me and Cali doing our best impressions of blue steele!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Charity Ball!

So the Charity Ball was amazing! At the end of the night there was 21,000 dollars raised for the united way! Awsome! I had a ton of fun walking around like i was importans becasue there was a ton of big wigs there, but in the end, as always, i was on the dance floor busting a move! And of course most of my ward turned up, so it ended up being a ward dance party! nothing new there!

Me and andrew being intense! LOL!

soo we had this great idea that we should do our signiture poses, that is mine, and michaels is of course the quite little peace sign!

GOTCHA! so michael is really good at making sure the only pictures that were taken of him he knew about, but we got him! and of course i was totally prepared!

me kendra and cali! o my gosh i love theese girls! i call them "the possy" because everyone who lives in there apartment then are related too! so whenever i want to had with them, i text 1 and just say im inviting the possy!
me and kendra! we are soooo sexy!
there goes my signiture pose again suttan, kendra and krysta having a great time!
our sexy poses! i actually think i was totally not ready for that picture! all in all i had an awsome time! much love!

Friday, March 21, 2008

My moms visit to Utah!

So we went to Temple Square after i picked up my mom from the airport! i had never taken a tour before so we decided to go for it! it was an amazing experienced! we had a sister missionary who had been a convert for 2 years, (ROCK ON!) and the other sister missionary was from spain ( i think) there were only two other people in our tour group and 1 was a girl about my age who was an investigaor, and the other women i( im not sure if it was her mother or a friend) was a member. it was an a amzing experience to share my testimony with her and my mom, who i dont think has heard it before. The sister misionary who had been a convert asked me if i had thought about going on a mission, and i told her i had 7 1/2 months untill i go!! she was way excited. i just feel really blessed that i had the oppertunity to bring my mom to temple square. there was definitly a spirit there that she was able to reconize. It made all the difference to me just to have her there with me on Temple Square! i couldnt believe how beautiful that tabernacle was! it was amazing to me that i was able to be in a place where almost all of the prophets had spoken! just looking around re-affirmed that fact that everything was built from insperation from our heavenly father given to our prophets! everything from the acoustics to the beauty all around us!
so my mom really wanted to go hiking and i didnt know where we should go, so that night we went to dinner with Rob (aka robert darling) He had mentioned that we could go Hiking in Provo Canyon! i had never been and i wanted him to be there of course so we decided tou touch base after he got out of class! Luckilly he was avaliable so we went hiking! Robert was having a difficult time getting his sweatshirt off his i thought it would be a great time to be helpfull, so i took a picture! i was up on the hill and i was suprised that we could still see the Provo Temple so i decided to get a shot! its a little blurry, but i loved how you could see that it was still above all the other buildings near buy. you cant really tell that when your standing near it, but it still stands tall when your looking from above!
so beautiful! my mom just couldnt believe how beautiful the landscape was! i still get brethless everytime i walk out of my apartment! im right smack dab in the middle of "happy valley" so i am surrounded on three sides by mountains!

me and my mom walking! we look awsome in our sunglasses i know! what a pair we are! we must look insane together, a cute little white women and this big black girl! lol! i love it! Me and my mom posing! my feet were freezing! i really should have worn boots like my mom! more like i should have listned to her! there is nothing like delayed gratification comming slowly in the form of near Frostbite!

Me and Robert! yes i call him robert darling but i can come up with cute names for my bff right? i was really glad that my mom got to spend a lot of time with rob because we are pretty much attached at the hip! we wnt out to dinner twice and then hiking of course! lol! we talk every day and whenever we dont actually see eachother its like a renioun every time we see eachother! he has been such a blessing in my life! he is such an amazing guy, and it nice to have someone who i can talk to about anything! and im gusing so im going to stop! hes the bewst and i love him!so if you cant already tell i got lazy with the camera and didnt take a lot of pictures but i had a great visit with my mom! it was awsome having here her but it sucked hard core having her leave too! i think it was good for her seeing my friends and having more of a sense of what my life is like so far from home! i think she had a good time on her first trip to utah!