So Carries visit was so much fun! i know that thhis happend like 4 months ago but i am so lazy with putting up pictures! It was so much fun being able to just spend some time with Carrie and having the family together! It was really nice to have Me carrie rach and whitney together again juwst like old times in young womens!
Currently i am trying to find a job. its been weird being unemployed but i have to say that it was worth it quitting my job at the law firm. it took me a year of being hard headed to realize that half the reason i was mserable is because of my work environment. i valued my friends theat i made there but i just couldnt keep putting myself in the same situations i moved away from. i m going back to school next semester and i am really excited about that! so things are going great!
Holy crap! Something new! yeehaw! Sounds like you had a lot of fun catching up with friends. That's great. I'm proud of you for getting yourself out of a situation that you felt wasn't the best for you. Good job Emma! Hope school goes well for you and that you find an amazing job. :)
Emma dear. You should see how big my belly is these days.
Love you!
Don't know if you'll get this, but I won't be there tomorrow. Stomach flu sucks...
So. . . this is a blog that you update only once or twice a year then? ha ha ha. . . come on. . . let's see something new about your life. How are the mission papers going? I'm excited for you.
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