O my gosh! The charity ball was a lot of fun this year! I love walking around pretending that i am a big shot in a pretty dress! and i didnt know it untill i looked in my sho closet but my pink shoes were the same color as my dress! whop whop! now lets talk about my dress for a second. whoever thought of the corset was a genious. i would like to meet them. and punch them in the face. lol jk. but seriously, i had to pratically starve for 2 days to get my dress on this year. it took the arm strenght of Jen to get it zipped up..and then i couldnt take a deep breath. and no i didint gain any weight since last year! shheeesh! Ladies here is a face. you can squeeze FAT comfortably into a dress. MUSCLE on the other had not so easy. its not going anywhere. and that was my problem! but honestly i was looking RIGHT so whatever!

Katie and me! i was so happy to see her!

Robert and me as usual. i love you bff! and yes we are just friends.

Lauren, Caitlin, and me! i am so glad that i invited them to come an hour before! i love you ladies!

Caitlin and me. and no i have no idea what i was doing with my hair. it is at that super awkward length that is quite unmanageble and nappy.

look good and hard people! you wont see me looking this good for a while. enjoy it. i love you all!